Section 8 Relabel study names into a numeric sequence

8.1 Introduction

I have read a tutorial about how to use Bayesian network meta analysis. In that, to use the package, I have to relabel study names into a numeric sequence.

So, this is the idea of the data that I want:

## # A tibble: 10 × 2
##    Study Study_num_id
##    <chr>        <int>
##  1 E                1
##  2 E                1
##  3 A                2
##  4 A                2
##  5 B                2
##  6 B                3
##  7 B                4
##  8 C                4
##  9 D                5
## 10 D                5

8.2 Create data

Study <- c("E", "E", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "D", "D" )
data <- tibble(Study)
data <- data %>% arrange(Study) # THIS STEP IS ESSENTIAL
n_occur <- data.frame(table(data$Study))
##   Var1 Freq
## 1    A    2
## 2    B    3
## 3    C    1
## 4    D    2
## 5    E    2
Stu_num_id <- c()
for (i in 1:dim(n_occur)[1]){
    num_id <- rep(i, times = n_occur$Freq[i])
    Stu_num_id <- Stu_num_id %>% append(num_id)

Note: To make the study is appear correctly, you will need to arrange your studies based on alphabet order

data <- data %>% cbind(Stu_num_id)
##    Study Stu_num_id
## 1      A          1
## 2      A          1
## 3      B          2
## 4      B          2
## 5      B          2
## 6      C          3
## 7      D          4
## 8      D          4
## 9      E          5
## 10     E          5

8.2.1 What if we want to keep the order of Study names as they were

Study <- c("E", "E", "A", "A", "B", "B", "B", "C", "D", "D")
Study_num_id <- c(1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L, 3L, 4L, 4L, 5L, 5L)
data <- tibble(Study, Study_num_id)
## # A tibble: 10 × 2
##    Study Study_num_id
##    <chr>        <int>
##  1 E                1
##  2 E                1
##  3 A                2
##  4 A                2
##  5 B                2
##  6 B                3
##  7 B                4
##  8 C                4
##  9 D                5
## 10 D                5
data <- data %>% select(-c("Study_num_id"))
n_occur <- data.frame(table(data$Study))
##   Var1 Freq
## 1    A    2
## 2    B    3
## 3    C    1
## 4    D    2
## 5    E    2

I don’t think this is a clever way of doing this (especially with data having many studies).

Study_name_unique <- data %$% Study %>% unique()
## [1] "E" "A" "B" "C" "D"
Study <- c()
Stu_num_id <- c()
for (i in 1:dim(n_occur)[1]){
    study <- rep(Study_name_unique[i], times= n_occur$Freq[i])
    Study <- Study %>% append(study)
    num_id <- rep(i, times = n_occur$Freq[i])
    Stu_num_id <- Stu_num_id %>% append(num_id)
Study_Studyid_dat <- tibble(Study, Stu_num_id)
## # A tibble: 10 × 2
##    Study Stu_num_id
##    <chr>      <int>
##  1 E              1
##  2 E              1
##  3 A              2
##  4 A              2
##  5 A              2
##  6 B              3
##  7 C              4
##  8 C              4
##  9 D              5
## 10 D              5

Now, we have a table with Study name and Study id with the original of Study name oder. If we have your original data with many more columns, what we need to do is just joining the two data tables.

8.3 Transform an arm-based data table to a study-based data table

Treat <- c("T", "P", "P", "T", "O", "T", "T", "P", "P", "T")

N <- c(12, 23, 45, 78, 12, 2 , 4, 6, 8, 9)
Total <- c(222, 344, 222, 445, 224, 677, 345, 446, 234, 467) 
data <- data %>% cbind(Treat) %>% cbind(N) %>% cbind(Total)%>% mutate(Treat = factor(Treat))
##    Study Treat  N Total
## 1      E     T 12   222
## 2      E     P 23   344
## 3      A     P 45   222
## 4      A     T 78   445
## 5      B     O 12   224
## 6      B     T  2   677
## 7      B     T  4   345
## 8      C     P  6   446
## 9      D     P  8   234
## 10     D     T  9   467
data %>% pivot_wider(names_from = Treat, values_from = c(N,Total))
## # A tibble: 5 × 7
##   Study N_T       N_P       N_O       Total_T   Total_P   Total_O  
##   <chr> <list>    <list>    <list>    <list>    <list>    <list>   
## 1 E     <dbl [1]> <dbl [1]> <NULL>    <dbl [1]> <dbl [1]> <NULL>   
## 2 A     <dbl [1]> <dbl [1]> <NULL>    <dbl [1]> <dbl [1]> <NULL>   
## 3 B     <dbl [2]> <NULL>    <dbl [1]> <dbl [2]> <NULL>    <dbl [1]>
## 4 C     <NULL>    <dbl [1]> <NULL>    <NULL>    <dbl [1]> <NULL>   
## 5 D     <dbl [1]> <dbl [1]> <NULL>    <dbl [1]> <dbl [1]> <NULL>