I’m Tran Le, a Ph.D. candidate from the Department of Data Science at UMMC. I’m a research assistant, and working part-time as a Data Analyst and Biostatician at the Mississippi Center for Clinical and Translational Research at the University of Mississippi Medical Center.

I have a strong mathematics background from my Mater in Mathematics from the Department of Mathematics at Syracuse University. Over there, I had a chance to take many mathematics and statistical courses such as Measure theory, Abstract Algebra, Numerical Linear Algebra, Statistical Simulation, and Multivariate Statistical Analysis, and many more. Afterward, I decided to join the Department of Data Science at UMMC in the fall of 2019 because I want to apply my mathematics and statistics background in Data Science for medical and population health applications.

I’m passionate about using Data Science to improve people’s health. It is not only a future job that I want to have but a mission to contribute to human health research. Keeping that in mind, I’m eager but humble to learn and work with all my responsibilities and commitments. I’m learning Bio-Statistics, Data Science, and Programming. I’m interested in Machine Learning and Bayesian Analysis and being advanced with R, Python, and other languages such as SQL, SAS, Stata, and Matlab.

I also have some tips and tricks that may be helpful for you at R_random_tips and Python_random_tips