This project is about using Pytorch for 2D MRI image classification using transfer learning with Resnet34 with a testing accuracy is 98%.

The images are downloaded from Kaggle. These images will be classified into four categories, including

NOD: Non Demented,
VMD: Very Mild Demented,
MID: Mild Demented,
MOD: Moderate Demented. \

Index Description Jupiter notebook Content data
1 Val_accuracy: 0.98
Testing accuracy: 0.68 😢
01_Resrnet34.ipynb Download data
split to train, val, test
Train with Resnet34
Testing evaluation
2 Val_accuracy: 0.99
Testing accuracy: 0.98 😃
Is this approach ok? 🤔
02_Resnet34.ipynb Combine data
Split data
Train model
Evaluate the model

For utility functions, please see